
All kinds of companies are most welcome to find their personnel through our extensive network.

Are you looking for new staff?

Dutch Chamber members can advertise their job vacancies free of charge. It will be placed on the Dutch Chamber website for the duration of 3 months and included in the Upcoming News & Events newsletter twice.

For a reasonable fee per month, non-members can advertise their job vacancies via the Dutch Chamber as well. For HKD 250, the vacancy will be posted on this page for a month. At an additional fee of HKD 1,000 we can also publish your vacancy one month (four times) in our Upcoming News & Events newsletter.
To extend your listing for a month on our website, we ask an extra HKD 150.
Contact for more information.


6 months ago | Hong-Kong
Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong has a Marketing Intern position available per February/March 2024. Stageplaats beschikbaar.