Finance Committee


The Finance Committee has been established as a forum where professionals from financial services firms can exchange information on the latest (tax) market trends and share experiences. It also acts as the voice for the Dutch financial companies towards the Dutch and the Hong Kong Government. 


The Finance Committee organises seminars to inform the members on the latest financial developments and trends. Once a year, the Finance Committee organises the Finance Dinner, a high-class event bringing together key representatives from various financial institutions in Hong Kong. 

Members of the Finance Committee 

  • Mr. Harmen Overdijk, Leo Wealth (Chair)
  • Ms. Lucille Merks, Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong and Macao
  • Ms. Liza Jansen, Prudential
  • Mr.  Lapman Lee, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Mr. Frédéric Radelet, ING Bank N.V. 
  • Mr. Herald van der Linde, HSBC
  • Mr. Peter Telders, EY
  • Mr. Jerry Lin, PwC Hong Kong
  • Mr. Bas Sijmons, Ernst & Young Tax Services
  • Mr. Tom Bakker, Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong